No Excuses

Understanding infidelity is crucial to recovery but beware of justifying your actions As I continue to uncover and understand some of the flawed thinking, falsehoods and habits that enabled my choices to deceive, there is a line between understanding and justification that is easy to cross  Understanding helps me be completely accountable for past behavioursContinue reading “No Excuses”

Nail that shame to the cross!

Guilt and shame are two very different feelings. Guilt says “I’ve done something bad” shame says, “I AM BAD!” Guilt propels you to rectify your wrongdoing, shame keeps you trapped in a negative cycle of self loathing, self soothing, self focus, self, self, self. Shame is all about YOU but not in a healthy way…Continue reading “Nail that shame to the cross!”

World Mental Health Day 2020

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.” You’re Stronger Than You Think!

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining us! “When we recover loudly, we keep others from dying quietly” — Unknown “There’s a book in everyone” they say. Why did this have to be ‘our’ book? Seriously, why did this have to happen to me? Why did it have to happen to us? “Why not?” the wise person answered.